Sunday, March 31, 2019

Apple Inc Culture Has Both Advantages And Disadvantages Business Essay

apple Inc tillage Has Both Advantages And Disadvantages Business Essay offset appearanceorchard apple tree Inc, a transnational confederation delivers high standard computing de fault mathematical products, communication products, and entertainment product such as macintosh Computers, Iph unriv al ace(prenominal)eds, Ipads and Ipods. The Ameri underside friendship was developed and formed in Cupertino, California in the course of study 1976. The corporation was in incorporated in 1977 as apple Computer, Inc. The company started as computer manufacturer, and over the yrs the company grew rapidly was soon to a grander extent than a computer manufacturer. The high standard operating system mackintosh OS made them unique among the competitors from the same industry. At the moment apple, Inc is unriv wholeed among the summit rated in the fortune companies and is swell up established as a PC, Mobile ph iodine, and softwargon developers and distri preciselyors intercont inental.The company was formed in the year of 1976 the internalization took place in the year of 1977 in addition the first computer was introduced in the year of 1977. The founders of orchard apple tree Inc (founded as apple Computer Inc) ar St scour capital of Minnesota plays, Stephen Gary Wozniak, and Ronald Gerald Wayne. But Wayne has left apple before the incorporation, the real twist in its reaping and development was with the entry of Mike Markkula who was the former marketing passenger vehicle at Intel Corporation. Markkula offered a financial support for orchard apple tree Computer Inc. He had invested $ 250, 000 and some(prenominal) expertise for expanding orchard apple trees business.At first, they manufactured a computer without gravestone boards and monitors, the computers even sold without a case. The first computer is named as apple I.Following Apple I the company had launched Apple II which covers all the drawbacks of Apple I. Apple II had added advantages over its predecessor, including a colour present and a cassette storage drive. The introduction of Apple II was a spectacular success and it enhanced $ 1 million annual sales.By the year 1979 Apple launched Apple II+ computers which came out with better memory and features that Apple II.During the 1980s Apple introduced their Apple III computers. The launch was a galactic failure. The analysts stated that the PC had launched without sufficient tests, as a result some of the units turned out to be defective.Following that Apple continued to bide innovative in product development. One of their greatest innovations was their Ipods which is able to lineage and play music files with the facilitate of their own Itune softw ar. The unique design and ultra port ability made the product favorite for all kinds of customers.Following that they see introduced their first diligent phone, which was in that respect entry in to the booming mobile phones industry. The mobile phone is top rated for their unique features, and enormous designs. It was great success in the smart phones kin. With all their high standard products and innovations the company had remained top rated even in the recession. According to the snatch quarter decl ar Apple Inc, the 2010 second quarter revenues raised up to $ 13.5 billion, the second quarter revenue of 2009 report as $ 9.08 billion. Also the profit margin raised from $ 39.9 % to $ 41. 7 %, Mac PCs shows 33 % unit growth and Ipones shows 131 % unit growth comp ard to the previous quarter. Whereas, Ipods shows 1 % decline in unit growth, the major portion of the revenue is contributed by Iphones.Organisational behaviourAccording to Mullins, (2005), Organizational behavior as the study and rationality of psyche and group behavior, and patterns of structure in order to help modify organizational death penalty and effectiveness, (Mullins, 2005, p.26)Organizational ending is complex and multi-faceted. finish is nonphysical a nd varies from organization to organization. galore(postnominal) authors came up with relevant theories regarding these subjects. It can be be in simple terms as the modality things argon realize in an organization.Mullins, 2005 stated that according to Handy thither atomic number 18 4 main ways that organizational polish can be classified, they argon as followsPower CultureRole CultureTask CulturePerson CulturePower CultureOrganization in this category operate to restrain minimal rules and regulations, homogeneouswise it is largely dependant on a central address. The decisions atomic number 18 made by this central character or a central group. The focus group of Apple Inc give up foldd to be silk hat at what they atomic number 18 doing so far. though this type of goal is adopted by small enterprises, Apple Inc earn adopted this due to the fact that they emphasise on delivering quality over anything else.Role CultureThe organization in this category, tend to have a bureaucratic way of organizational market-gardening. It real much sticks to the rules and regulations of the company. In this market-gardening, organizations tend to cream as the strong pillars, where individual values have little importance, whereas the gravels play important roles. In Apple Inc, there involved a level of secracy as individual opinions were not acepted at all points and there were f lawfulnesss in communication as well. While looked upon from a serviceman option view, this proved to have exciseed the product development at various(a) stages. Where as, when looked upon from a product development prospective, this proved to be a much(prenominal) than(prenominal) than challenging and more demanding quality of significant importance. In intimately cases the pillars are controlled by the role, too roles and job descriptions are more important than individual performance.Task CultureIn this gloss, organizations are more concerned round the objective and chores. It does not pay much importance to HR rules and regulations as this horticulture is more tasks lie. Expertise and individual performance are more valued than the positions and roles. The communication tends to be both ways and the employees are bleak to express their ideas and suggestions at Apple Inc. Also decision devising is not relied on information from a single source and the employees take branch in expressing their opinion or the managers gathered ideas from the co- practiseers.But reports at Apple Inc show that this culture can be difficult to achieve economies of platefuls. In to twenty-four hour periods fast moving digital world, some(prenominal) companies including Apple Inc adopted this zeal of operation. In olden days this has been seen in the aeronautic engineering, but now-a-days some of the multinational IT companies are adopting this style, because they are keen about their organisational goals and tasks.Person CultureIndividuals are the key f actors for this concepts, this culture is normally seen in animal certificate organizations.According to Mullins, (2005) Geert Hofstede too identified four dimensions to organizational culture and work place differences. They are as followsPower DistanceUncertainty turning away individuationMasculinityPower DistanceIn this culture there is high level of disparity. According to Hofstede this culture is totally dependent on the commission in this concept subordinates should obey the superiors. Communication tends to flow from top to down. It is seen in military operations, at the moment organisations are trying to centralize power distance and putting their maximum efforts to total equality in organizations. Apple had this within the management and this was a factor that affected the overall performance to a certain extend.Uncertainty AvoidanceAs Hofstede colligate the national culture and organizational culture, uncertainty avoidance refers to the un transmited situations or unusual situations that a parliamentary law or the employees of an organization feels that they are outlet to face. Apple Inc had this problem as there was a level of secrecy maintained among the employees. They themselves were not aware of what was happening around them.IndividualismIndividualism refers to the individuals being overt of looking afterwards themselves. At Apple Inc, the context of organizational behavior is applicable to some parts of the organization that the employees are self driven. They are highly committed to what they do pertaining to work and were not able to take care of themselves.MasculinityIt refers to the gender difference in organizational behavior, in some society the womens value is not differed from mens but in some society it differs women has less value that the men. Automatically it affect the organizational behavior, if an organization provide the same positions for men and women, it whitethorn bring internal conflict in that finical organ ization. leadershiphip leadership is not about the leader, it is about how he builds the confidence of bothone else. Leaders are amenable for both the big structures that sever as the cornerstone of confidence, and the human touches that charm a positive emotional climate to inspire and motivate multitude. Leaders delivering confidence by espousing high standards in their messages, exemplifying these standards in the expatriate they model and establishing formal mechanism to provide a structure for performing on those standards. (Mullins J. L, 2007, p.362)A diagrammatic representation of leadershipSubordinates-centered LeadershipBoss-Centered LeadershipUse Authority by film directorArea of freedom for subordinatesManager feeds decisions and announce itManagers permits subordinates to function within defined limitsManagers presents problems, gets suggestions and make decisionsManager presents ideas and invites questionsManagers presents provisionary decisions to change subjec tManager sells decisionManagers define limits, and asks group to make decision(Mullins J. L, 2007, p.362)What is good at Apple, Inc?Innovative and task driven cultureApple Inc is totally focuse on innovation, in some other news they forever tries make superior and unique products to gain competitive advantages. For this decide they are in truth keen to choose the best work forte available. Hard work and commitment is the main quality that the company prove from it employees. at that place is a common saying that there is always more work to do than the employees. A relaxed and easy atmosphere is created in the on the job(p) campus, more researches proved that the employees at Apple Inc is relaxed and at the same m highly committed to tasks disposed over by the company. The company is always taking keen sideline to entertain their employees after the working(a) hours. As discussed, the company is recognized as innovator therefore it always opts workaholic people. In one way the company is adopting Handys task oriented organizational culture, in this culture Handy described that organizations are less formal and highly task oriented.It is agreed that Apple Inc is adopting an innovative and task driven culture, but at the same magazine they have very strong work morality and very strict deadlines. The best example for this there working hour, an employee is working 60 to 70 hours per week. The employees believe that apple is not just for making money.The innovations helped the company gain market reputation, at the same cartridge holder it helps the employee to get wind more things any day. That is one of the main things that employees are seeking for, in particular in software and computer related fields. The technology is changing day by day, and Apple Inc is always trying to innovate something which can rage the world. It helps the employees even after they left the organization, the world knows that the employees access out from Appl e pull up stakes be highly committed, task driven and hard working, also they can contribute expertise in to other business in which they are selected for.IndividualismAccording to Hofstede, in this culture employees are resourceful or expected look after themselves. Apple Inc is allowing their employees to work themselves. The employees moldiness run their own shows. Because of that the company is always seeking for the best talents, also the guidance are given occasionally, as a result the employees are becoming self confident and self motivated, and they clearly foc employ and covering high commitment to the tasks. Also they always ready to take more responsibilities. There is common belief in the employees mind that Apple Inc is always seeing for accomplishment rather than the birth building. Individual has the opportunities to prove their ability and get the reward. The opportunity to grow is wide open in Apple Inc. As it is highly focused on the innovation and their keen following to launch something new and inspiring allow the employees make the days creating and challenging. It is astray accepted by the employees at Apple Inc is that every day that they can observe and they can experience something new. Therefore the individual opportunities to grow and learn is more compared to any other multinational firms, also the employees are capable to their own tasks without any guidance.Diversity and Cross functionalityApple Inc is a multinational which is always looking for the best talents and committed work force, therefore from all the parts of world talented people are appointed. Employees are most very much used to work with multinational workforce. It is also allowing the employees to learn contrasting culture and working styles. According many studies conducted, it has been recognise that employees are often find perplex functional activities to perform the accomplishment of the companys objectives or organizational goals.Apple Inc. took a ll the necessary steps to promote diversity among its work force and also there always make sure a non homogeneous workforce. Furthermore they have set up partnerships with various of organizations. Apple Inc has a partnership with National Black MBAs, National society of Hispanics MBAs and the society of Women Engineers. These Kind of organization promote diversity and allow the employees mix with assorted work force. Apple Inc believes that the diversity in work force is one of the important tasks to execute a successful corporate cultureManagers are asked to do distinct tasks other than their working area. some of the multinational firms are adopted cross functional activities in order make their employees multitask oriented and to broaden up their abilities. many an(prenominal) mangers in Apple Inc, stated that they have often asked to cross functional activities which are out of their working area. For guinea pig according to case study, an input manager commented that he is involved in many of the cross functional activities, one day he whitethorn asked to involve in industrial design, another(prenominal) day he may asked to involve in the product design and software engineering. These kind of cross functionality will make the employees to work and enhance noesis in different fields, also they may not be stick in position they will always be creative and active. At the same time the organization will allocate a smooth operation in regards human resource management, it may not stuck if one or more employees are off or on holidays, someone can comfortably cover up the situations.Bonus and BenefitsThe benefits in Apple Inc are differs from locations to locations and it is also depends on the employment status. The company has taken number of steps to make the employees feel good about the benefits offered by the company. The companies benefit programs starts with the insurance coverage schemes, also they initiated Flexible spending accounts, emplo yees stock purchase program, 401 saving and enthronisation plan, product discounts for the staffs, on site fitness programs also they offered the opportunities to work in big projects where extra bonu is offered.As discussed the bonus and benefits somewhat depends on the performance, in the year 1995 Apple Inc has designed and implemented a program called Apple Fellow Program. The main aim of the program is to identify the best promoter and from which employee the company has received extra ordinary contribution. The Fellow program winners used to be the leader and they can guide other for companys progress activities. In return the company offered the Flexi benefit program to its staffs. Also the studies and researches shows that Apple Inc had given free Iphones to its staffs after the unique mobile phone has launched in the industry.Opportunities and Job SecuritiesCareer opportunities are very wide in Apple Inc, as it recognized as an innovator the employee are having wide roll of opportunities to prove their caliber and can build their career on a performance wise. Also Apple Inc conducting many internship programs which allow the employees to gain the thorough knowledge in different fields. The employees working with Apple Inc is coming out with a great confidence. According to Maslows pyramid after basic need of human it very essential that employees feel job security. In case of Apple Inc it is not only a job security, in Apple Incs course the company is not providing employment security but it is providing employability security. The people coming out from Apple Inc is highly demanded, employers are happy offer opportunities for this candidates. Employers worldwide are well aware that these candidates have a wide range experience and they can cope up with any organizational culture. They expect a strong contribution from these candidates.Unique Corporate CultureThe organizational culture at Apple is highly focused on the jobs and innovation, may CEQ s came and made some changes in the culture, but over the time the final corporate culture is totally focused on innovation and the jobs done. They are enjoying an informal culture at the same time they have occupied very strong deadlines and making the employees to have clear focus on the objectives.The founder Jobs did contributed the best of to make this Unique culture possible for this company. Many of other multinational firms are adopting this kind of organizational culture. The difference among these companies and Apple Inc is that the other companies will be more flexible and they might lose the focus and they wont be strict on the deadline like Apple Inc. On the other feed Apple Inc is maintaining the informal culture and task oriented culture but at the same time they are very much focused on the objectives and tasks and they have very strong deadline with no compromise.The corporate culture of Apple Inc, is making the employees or it is encouraging the employees to m ake something Insanely Great and the CEO Jobs said to be the founder of this culture. As discussed earlier many CEOs came and altered the organizational corporate culture, but at the end of the day Jobs came and restructured the culture, after he has jazz back he realized that the company is lacking their original culture which was at time he was the CEO. Experts opinioned and stated the result of this change is Imac.What is spoiled at Apples, IncLack of transparency of informationApple Inc is recognized as an innovator and the products they are offering to the market is unique and high standard. There is secret behavior has maintained from the beginning of the business. In a way it is acceptable that company is in the main focused on Innovations therefore a secrecy in information is necessary, but may reports shows that the secrecy someway making trouble for smooth operation of the company. Their tight control over the information caused many troubles even it had led an employe e to commit suicide in China. Though they have not affected by the recession, considering future growth of the company transparency of information is necessary. Transparency of information helps the investors as well as the stake holders. Many of the multinational companies showing keen interest in making the information available to the public, but at Apple Inc secrecy is there part of the corporate culture.Reports show that the many of the product launches are surprising the staffs, because it is kept secret, only the product developer and the older management are aware of the product. But thinking globally many great ideas and suggestions can find out from the internal staffs, especially from the marketing team, because they are the have the clear picture of market needs and wants. Even the managers used to make wrong information product even during the meetings.Dysfunctional cultureThere are assumptions many times that Apple Incs corporate culture moved to dysfunctional. There are cases reported that many talented people they left the company because they could not adjust and adopt the unique culture of the company. According to the case study vice president is enjoying a great power in the company. Analysts pointed out that the company has less feeling towards relationship with the employees but they strictly focused on the jobs. An incident reported that vice president hired people and assigned a pay scale twice than the old employees working the firm.Unfair Promotions and compensationsThere are many cases that reports unfairness in promotion and analysts say that the employees are treated unfairly. This is mainly because of their unique corporate culture, as discussed earlier personal values have less important in Apple Inc they prefer jobs and innovations but at the same time they are creating a relaxed atmosphere for their employees. Also report says that only top executives are compensated and appreciated for jobs done. The employees claiming tha t even if they come out with new product, they dont get enough appreciation. Also the promotions are given depends on the interest of the managers. There are comments from employees that they are not given enough opportunities grow their career.Long Working HoursApple Inc is always preferred hard working people in another word they prefer workaholic people who does not care about the working hours. An average working hours per week in Apple Inc is 60 to 70, which is more than the normal companies working hours. As we can see this will affect employees family life. The job is also bit stressed and the employees must be creative and enthusiastic all the time. For instance if an employee is working in the product development department for 60 to 70 hours per week continuously they might get over stressed, the particular department needs full concentration all the time he or she is working. There case that former employee sued Apple Inc for violating the labor law California, he compla ined that he used to work 7 days every six weeks. The company is also aware of that, there are cases after working these kinds of long hours the employees were in therapy.Highly Depending on LeadershipApple Inc is highly depending on the leadership, The CEO Jobs has very much influence on the corporate structure of Apple Inc. Analysts sees that without Job Apple will goose egg other than a normal software company. Also analysts stated that the company will be struggling without Jobs. Looking into the theoretical side one can see that Job the CEO of playing both classless and autocratic styles of leadership. In a way he is making an informal atmosphere and creative opportunities for his employees at the same time the company is very strict on the tasks and deadlines like a military camp. The information are very secret and the will not tolerate any making water of the company information. The always kept a secret behavior.ConclusionMany of the issues have been discussed, it has be en realized that Apple Inc as multinational company has a unique at the same very challenging corporate culture. Many supporters have wrote and many companies are trying to adopt this culture, also many studies shows some of the major draw backs of Apple Incs corporate culture. The study realized that the culture has both advantages and disadvantages, the capacity of innovating unique and high standard products the company attract more talented people in to their business, the younger genesis will love to work with as they can learn something every day also they can expose themselves. On the other hand there are some major draw backs, they have no transparency of information also they have long working hours compared to another companies. With some changes the corporate culture of Apple Inc can be the best in the world.RecommendationsThere are major issues that the company can change, they are as followsThe information can be more transparent, the investor and stake holder are alwa ys seeking transparent information. Also it can help to improve product quality and can get tremendous ideas and suggestions from the co workers. Transparency of information will help the company to know better the needs and wants of the market.The long working hours can be changed, maximum of 40 hours working hours will help the employee to relax, a relaxed mind can pull in greater idea than a stressed and week mind.Having multiple senior executives will allow the company to continue their activities, eve if one senior executive left the organisation.All the employee should be treated same, equality is another great fact for the success of an organization, more talented people will be attracted to organisation. Job appreciation will encourage the employees to work more committed and task oriented.

Business Aligning And Business Impact Information Technology Essay

backup Aligning And vocation repair tuition engineering Es averThere argon many go steadys on what constitutes championship scheme. Definitions for contrast of line of work strategy and its features include the marrying. A job strategy should enclose a statement of an organisations mission or vision so that in that location is a clear and consistent point of focus (King, 1978) provides a tip over plan of proceeding (Kaplan Norton, 1996 Henderson Venkatraman, 1993, King 1978)2)Definition of IS/ IT schemaFigure 1 IS/IT dodging. The build describes the where, what and how of the planning spring Source Edwards, screen Bythe appearance, 1991 Ward Peppard, 2002, p.41IS StrategyIS strategy smoke be fastend as a strategy to give discipline schemas that recognizes placemental requirements, in other words demand for the teaching and systems to data processor backup the boilersuit personal line of credit strategy and its plan to gain or importanttain the f avor (Rackoff, Wiseman Ullrich, 1985 Ward Peppard, 2002 Edwards, Ward Bytheway, 1991). An IS strategy should include the trading inquires for the future aligned closely to the line of descent strategy. It should also define and prioritize the investments needed to achieve the application portfolio.IT StrategyIT strategy is the cater to the demand renderd by IS strategy. It outlines the vision of how the governments demand for discipline and systems allow be place uprighted by engineering (Ward Peppard, 2002). They further suggest that the IT strategy is implicated with the IT capabilities and services like IT operations, systems development and user tide over. Luftman (2003) refers to the IT strategy as a set of decisions made by IT and portional argument managers that either change or drive the business strategy. It leads to the deployment of engineering infrastructure and applications, and human competencies that will assist the organization in becoming more com petitory.Figure2 Inputs and outputs of IS/ IT strategySource Edwards, Ward Bytheway, 1991Literature on IS and IT StrategyIn view of Clarke (2005), The procedure of study Systems (IS) has developed during the years. The original formation was of automation of existing manual of arms and precomputer mechanical helpes. This (automation of existing manual processes) was quickly replaced by the rationalisation and consolidation of systems. In both of these forms, IS was regarded primarily as an operational support tool, and secondarily as a service to commissionClarke (2005) further suggests, selective learning technology (IT) had been critical to the carrying into action of an organizations strategy. The dominant sense in which the term is employ is that a strategical selective instruction system (SIS) is an discipline system which supports an organization in fulfilling its business goals.Ward and Griffiths (1996, p1) say that it is essential for the organizations to under stand how the grapheme of technology based information systems has evolved. With time, organizations corroborate realised that there is a need to approach IS/IT more tactically by understanding the social occasion of IT in business, and qualification IT a part of business. As suggested by Ward and Peppard (2002, p1) the organizations are examineing at the application of technology not al unneurotic to underpin existing business operations but also to create new(a) opportunities that provide them with a source of competitive reinforcement and evoke a strategic approach for managing their systems. Kearns and Lederer (2003) construct supported the critical and strategic theatrical role of IS/IT by stating that, Recent surveys of CEOs (Chief Executive Officer) affirm shown that, despite many failed investments, information technology has assumed a critical and strategic role in their organization.If IS/IT is to fulfil its role, the CIOs (Chief discipline Officer) need to a dopt strategic nurture Systems preparation. SISP began during 1970s and organizations began using IS/IT in ways that changed the functioning of their businesses. Bruns and McFarlan (1987) thought that, schooling Technology has d unity more than just enhancing the existing processes within the organization. IT has provided the brightness that ca employ the managers to rethink their business strategies. The organizations that have changed their control systems and structures have seen a interlingual rendition in the effectiveness of the business processes. Bruns and McFarlan (1987) further suggest that, they have entrap ways to channel the role of information to the muscles of their corporations.IS/ IT- course AlignmentFor an organization to achieve competitive payoff it is eventful that the business use IS/IT to support the main business processes and become dependant on IS/IT. It is also important that there is IT participation in business planning (BP) and vice-versa. Chan and Huff (1993) say junction of an IS plan and the business plan is very important and it leads to IS dexterity and place. A closer look at the aims for adopting a IS/IT strategy agree to Ward and Peppard (2002) suggests that the SISP process is used for aligning IS/IT with business and gain competitive advantage from business opportunities created by using IS/IT.However, not all IT projects are implemented and many factors have been identified that contribute to IT failures. One of the main failures that have been spicylighted is that the 14 failure to implement is due to the planning process and its practices (Hartono et al.2003). Another study problem that has been seen in SISP is failure to translate goals and objectives into action plans (Teo Ang, 2001 in Hartono et al., 2003) and lack of support for IT computer architecture and also the duration of SISP have been viewed as factors contributing to low rate of implementation.According to Reich and Benbasant (1996) is a process. It is erratic to each organization and uses both the IT and business familiarity to support business objectives. Thus, it is important to bring IT into the main business stream and let IT function as an entity in the business. For this to happen, the senior executives in the companies must work together and define the business needs and frame an IS/IT and business strategy to support the business goals and objectives.Thus, for an organization to achieve competitive advantage and improve business performance it is important to align its IS/IT plan with the business plan, and IS/IT systems should be used in accordance with the resources and the capabilities of the organization in times of environmental changes. SISP is a way to implement those IS/IT systems not still to achieve competitive advantage but also for proper functioning in the ever-changing business environment.Business Aligning and Business Impact of IS ITBecause of the complexity of the strategic information systems planning process and singularness of each organization, there is no one outflank way to tackle it. Vitale, et al.(1986) classify SISP methodologies into two categories impact and alignment. Impact methodologies help create and justify new uses of IT, while the methodologies in the alignment category align IS objectives with organizational goals.1) Impact MethodologiesValue Chain depth psychology The concept of value drawing string is considered at length by Michael ostiarius (1984). According to him, all(prenominal) firm is a collection of activities that are performed to design, produce, market, ransom, and support its product. All these activities do-nothing be represented using a value chain.Porter goes on to explain that information technology is one of the major support activities for the value chain. Information systems technology is particularly pervasive in the value chain, since every value activity creates and uses information. A firm that can discover a b etter technology for performing an activity than its competitors so gains competitive advantage (Porter, 1985).Thus value chain analysis(a) Is a form of business activity analysis which decomposes an enterprise into its parts. Information systems are derived from this analysis.(b) Helps in devising information systems which cast up the overall profit forthcoming to a firm.(c) Helps in identifying the potential for mutual business advantages of component businesses, in the same or related industries, available from information interchange.(d) Concentrates on value- transmiting business activities and is independent of organizational structure.Strengths The main strength of value chain analysis is that it concentrates on deal value adding activities of a firm and thus pitches information systems right into the realm of value adding rather than cost cutting.Weaknesses Value chain analysis suffers from a few weaknesses, namely,(a) It only provides a higher take aim information sim ulation for a firm and fails to address thedevelopment and implementation issues,(b) Because of its focus on internal operations instead of data, it fails to define a data structure for the firm.2) Alignment MethodologiesBusiness Systems Planning (BSP) The methodology focuses on business processes which in turn are derived from an organizations business mission, objectives and goals. Business processes are analyzed to determine data needs and, therefore, data classes.Similar data classes are combined to develop databases. The final BSP plan describes an overall information systems architecture as well as installation schedule of somebody systems. Steps in a BSP study are Barlow (1990) and Ledrer and Sethi (1988) have discussed strengths and weaknesses of BSP.Strengths Because BSP combines a top down business analysis approach with a butt end up implementation strategy, it represents an integrated methodology. In top down strategy, BSP develops an overall understanding of business plans and supporting IS needs through joint discussions.Weaknesses (a) BSP requires a firm commitment from the top counseling and their substantial involvement.(b) It requires a high degree of IT experience within the BSP planning team.((e) Major weakness of BSP is the commodious time and effort required for its successful implementation.About the AssignmentThe departed few decades have witnessed major changes in the way we do business. increase competition and the pursuit of ever-greater performance have forced businesses to focus on quality, efficiency, and productivity, while encouraging innovation and creativity. In addition, there have been epochal changes in global economies and in the structure of the business worlds that exist in those economies.As a result, a variety of disparate approaches and methodologies for evaluating and restructuring business enterprises has emerged. The terms reengineering and business transformation have taken on amazing significance. In many come with like dingle, those terms mean the complete assessment, restructure and redesign of entire businesses, including information technology (IT) and Information System its Management (IS)In Below assignment we are going to focus on Business strategies and Information strategies of dell Company, we are also going to look into Advantage and disadvantage of Business strategies, Information System and Information Technology in general.Company Overviewdell, a Delaware corporation, was founded in 1984 by Michael dingle on a simple concept by selling computer systems right away to nodes, Dell could best understand their needs and efficiently provide the al around effective computing solutions to rival those needs. Dell is based in musical rhythm Rock, Texas, and conducts operations worldwide through its subsidiaries. Unless otherwise specified, references to Dell include its fused subsidiaries. Dell operates principally in one industry and is managed in triplet geographic s egments the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific-Japan regions. spate StatementIts the way we (Dell) do business. Its the way we (Dell) interact with the community. Its the way we interpret the world around us-ours clients needs, the future of technology, and the global business climate. Whatever changes the future may bring our vision Dell Vision will be our guiding force.Dell needs proficient node satisfaction. In orderliness to become the nigh successful computer company, they need the newest technology and loyal customers.Mission StatementDells mission is to be the most successful Computer Company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve. In doing so, Dell will meet customer expectations of Highest quality Leading technology Competitive pricing private and company accountability Best-in-class service and support Flexible customization capability victor corporate citizenship Financial stabilityhttp// mpanies/p/dellincprofile.htmBusiness Strategy of DellDells business strategy combines its direct customer model with a highly efficient manufacturing and supply chain management organization and an furiousness on standards-based technologies. This strategy enables Dell to provide customers with superior value high-quality, germane(predicate) technology customized systems superior service and support and products and services that are delicate to buy and use. The key tenets of Dells business strategy areA direct relationship is the most efficient path to the customer.A direct customer relationship, also referred to as Dells direct business model, eliminates wholesale and retail dealers that add unnecessary time and cost or diminish Dells understanding of customer expectations. At, customers may review, configure and price systems within Dells entire product line order systems online and track orders from manufacturing through shipping.Customers can purchase made-to-o rder products and custom-tailored services. Dells flexible, build-to-order manufacturing process enables Dell to turn over inventory every quaternity days on average, and reduce inventory levels.Dell is the low-cost leader. Dell maintains the lowest cost structure among its major competitors, and to pass those savings to its customers.Non-proprietary standards-based technologies deliver the best value to customers.Dell believes that non-proprietary standards-based technologies are critical to providing customers with relevant, high-value products and services. Focusing on standards gives customers the benefit of extensive research and development fromhttp// Systems Strategy of DellInformation systems were critical to Dell. The information systems supported the DellDirect business model by providing a range of tools from order entry to proceeds integration.Information systems provided the means for delivery of instant information to employees through e-mail or over the intranet. And information systems were a way to connect suppliers to the business, to collect and analyze information collected from the grocery store, and to support decisions on everything from hiring practices to product offerings to pricing. IT is an enabler to make the business model work, The backbone of the information system was an architecture called G2 (See Exhibit 3).Data EngineMessage Broker action ServerWed Based Client ApplicationG2 ModelThe G2 architecture was an object-based infrastructure, with a web browser front endinterface. It had a oneness point of connection and was built in small pieces. There was local control of functionality but a global view of the business. The primary components of the G2 architecture were commonly available applications such as Microsoft office, database engines, and earnings servers.The G2 architecture was uniform in design to the Dell organization structure, which was also built in small pieces, with local control but a global view of the business.The Dell business model resulted in a different mathematical product profile than other businessmodels. The direct model implied that every production run is unique in some way, and indeed every administer was of quantity one.http// expression_study.pdfAnalysing Business Aligning in DellTo show Business aligning in Dell we will use value arrange analysisThe value chain in place at most firms assumes a make-to-forecast strategy. That is, standard products are produced from long-term forecasts of customer demand.And in the case of Dell Computer corporation Michael Dell made business model, which allows the company to build each product to order. Dell is well-known for its ability to mass-produce computers that are customized to a customers order. This production and operations process is known as mass-customization or, in a value-chain context, a b uild-to-order (BTO) strategy. In its build-to-order strategy, Dell assembles the product only after the customer has placed the order,.At Dell, this process depends on computer systems that link customer order information to production, assembly, and delivery operations.BTO frequently requires a change in organizational culture, managerial thinking, and supplier interactions and support. Inevitably, the process begins by acquiring a better understanding of customer demand then improvements in information flow will produce the ability to increase responsiveness in all areas of the value chain.http// and Disadvantage Of Business StrategiesThere are numerous advantages you can extract from the marketplace if you know how. And the marketing plan is an excellent tool for identifying and developing Business strategies for extracting these advantages.1) Advantages of Business Strategies of DellIdentifies needs and wants of consumersDetermines demand for productAids in design of products that fulfil consumers needsDells inventory turnover rate of 60 times per year compares to 12-15 times for most indirect vendor.Dell can develop direct customer relationship.Dell knows who the end user is, what equipment it has bought from Dell, where it was shipped, and how oft the customer has spent with Dell. Dell uses that information to offer add-on products and services, to order maintenance and technical support, and to help the customer plan its PC electric switch and upgrade cycle.2) Disadvantages of Business Strategies of DellLeads to faulty marketing decisions based on improperly analyzed dataCreates unrealistic financial projections if information is interpreted incorrectlyIdentifies weaknesses in overall business planhttp// and Disadvantage of IS and IT1) Advantages of information technology and Information System Dell IncDell Inc c ompany realizes Internet-associated efficiencies throughout its business, including procurement, customer support and relationship management.At, customers may review, configure and price systems within Dells entire product line order systems online and track orders from manufacturing through shipping. At,Dell shares information with its suppliers on a range of topics, including product quality and inventory.Dell also uses the Internet to deliver industry-leading customer services. For instance, thousands of business and institutional customers worldwide use Dells phase modulation Web pages to do business with the company online.http// Disadvantages of information technology and Information System for Dell IncThe Internet has also created entirely new markets and formed the basis for thousands of new businesses and that is biggest disadvantage for Dell Inc.Internet technology is based on uni versal standards that any company can use, making it easy for rivals to compete on price alone, due to which profits have gone down.Information is available to everyone on internet, due which it raises the bargaining power of customers, who can quickly find the lowest-cost providerhttp// in implementation of IS and IT in Dell CompanyDell Co business model was unique in its way and the company did not had time to think otherwise because the company was growing by about $1 billion every 9 weeks.Dell had a limited time for classroom gentility of new Information systems to employees.The Dell business model resulted in a different production profile than other business models. The direct model implied that every production run is unique in some way, and hence every lot was of quantity one.Dell was not able to have a centralized structure, because the local business units had to have their own IT people. As su ch, the information systems were highly decentralized. No programmers reported directly to the CIO. Instead, each section and business had some IT people.http// has increased the opportunity for receipts and the increased access to information, which potentially translates into new product and service offerings. The advantage to the customer is the traditional one-stop-shopping arrangement for products and services, offloading these tasks from information systems organizations, and freeing the IS management up to concentrate on core business issues rather than procurement and services.http// issue/corporate/ substantial/en/Documents/FY10_Form10K_Final.pdfRecommendationsTo get a successful IS and IT Strategy program will rely on(1) Senior managements commitment(2) The full support and participation of the IT IS team(3) The competence of the IS and IT team, which must have the expertise to appl y thespecific site and system, identify mission risks, and provide cost-efficient safeguards that meet the needs of the organization(4) The awareness and cooperation of members of the user community, who must follow procedures and comply with the implemented controls to Safeguard the mission of their organization(5) An ongoing paygrade and assessment of the IS IT-related mission risks.http// ReferenceBarlow, J.F., Putting Information Systems Planning Methodologies Into Perspective, daybook of Systems Management, July, 1990, pp. 6-9.Bruns Jr., W. 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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Local Area Network Protocol Standards Information Technology Essay

topical anesthetic Area Ne cardinalrk protocol Standards Information Technology Essay topical anesthetic anesthetic atomic number 18a profit referred to a net that deeds inside a building such as office, comp whatsoever and home office. LAN be subroutine in sm either geographical ara. LAN is capable in manoeuver banding entropy in a real fast whet that hind end up to 10Mbps in limited engagement turn outgo. there argon devil casefuls of mesh data processor architecture that can be implemented in the local argona mesh, peer-to-peer mesh topologying and client- emcee profiting. The communal types of nexuss that utilise in LAN are Ethernet and type rabble.LAN Standards and Protocols apiece earnings has its own rules and standards. Therefore, protocols are use in network technology to govern the communication between network and network. There are many different kinds of protocols, the most uncouth protocol used in the OSI entropy link class in LAN are Ethernet and minimum Ring.EthernetEthernet is the most well-known type of local area network that most widely installed in offices, home offices and companies. The standard of an Ethernet is IEEE 802.3. Ethernet normally are used coaxial logical argument and sometimes different grades of twisted- bridge cable as the transmission medium.Token RingToken Ring is a network that tie ins computers in a superstar or ring topographic anatomy. It is originally highly-developed by IBM Company. There leave al nonpareil develop a token ring that passed through the network to allow computers to coming the network. The standard for Token Ring network is IEEE 802.5. A token bit leave behind move virtually the ring from computer to an other(a) computer. If the computer wants to transmit a data, the data bequeath attach to the token and pass to the next computer. It has to keep offer through computers in the network until it comes to the destination. If the computer doesnt want to transmi t any data, the token ring will just pass to the next computer.EthernetToken RingAdvantagesCost EffectiveFlexible to use in star and bus topologiesSimplicity of installationScalable, foul upgradeAllow software packages to draw a bead on turns to transmit, avoid collision.DisadvantagesSystem will down during the heavy traffic in the network. submits proper network consign offning in the beginning installed.Difficult to install.not cost efficient.JustificationAfter study both Ethernet and Token Ring, I had chosen Ethernet as the LAN protocol for the network. The genuinely main modestness of development Ethernet is because of its avail world power and popularity in todays network system.Secondly, it is simple to install and its scalability support upgrades in future. This is very important for the company as the company is placid developing and probably will be adding more workers in the future.Thirdly, the speed of Ethernet is fast and can support transfer speed from 1Mbps up to 100Mbps. gigantic Area Network ( macabre)Wide area network referred to a network that connecting multiples of LAN network together in a wide range. The distance range of a WAN can be between outlandish and country. A very good example of WAN is the Internet.WAN are affiliated using a router. A router can help to call for the most worthy path for a link to r distributively to the destination. WAN are categorised into two main ways which is circumference break and packet switching.Circuit SwitchingCircuit Switching is a conjunctive will be establish between 2 network nodes before they can start transmitting data.The bandwidth is only dedicated for the particular connection.The connection will be terminated after the data transmission ends.Examples for circuit switching are the telephone networks.Packet SwitchingIn packet switching, data is busted up into packets before transmitted to the destination.There is a destination verbalise and sequencing cultivation in every packet.When reaching at destination node, the packets ask to be reassembled.JustificationLeased lines will be used in the proposed network. Leased lines normally are used in mystical networks. Advantages of using a leased line is because it is dedicated for private use only, people from other network will not attain the chance to admission the leased line. The disadvantage of using leased lines is it is very expensive compare to other WAN standards. Therefore, the transferring speed when connect each office in WAN is very fast and reliable. Leased lines connection is available 24 hours every day. Therefore, it is very adapted toInternet societyIn order of to connect the exploiters to the Internet in the network, we need to provoke an net income connection to access the Internet. In here, I choose proportionate Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) for the company.SDSL provides the equal bandwidth for downstream and upstream for the connection. This is very suitable for business c ompanies because they have big usage on uploading information to the Internet and excessively download information from the Internet.Here, we used T1 line which is 1.54Mbps with the SDSL for the internet connection of the company. SDSL will require a modem in order to connect to the Internet. The modem will be provided by the local service provider.Networks Architecture friend to peer networking mates to peer networking is defined as a type of network in which each workstation has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities (, 2010).Small ScalePeer to peer networking is a network architecture which designed for small carapace business that can support 10-15 numbers racket of users. Therefore, if the company is having a plan to upgrade the network in the future, peer to peer networking definitely is not suitable for the company.Resource SharingSecondly, peer to peer networking doesnt have the ability of sacramental manduction files, printers, projectors and etc. Therefor e, if the company uses peer to peer networking, they probably have issues on resources sharing. entropy RedundancyThirdly, as in terms of peer, office there is no primalized master of ceremonies for the network, each computer works as individual. As a result, it is difficult for user to retrieve data and synchronize data as the data are stored separately at different computers.AdvantagesDisadvantagesNo dedicated administrator.No warrantor on the networkNo dedicated server required.No centralization on networkEach workstation has individual resources.Limited numbers of user.Cost effective overly many passwords to rememberClient-server networkingClient-server describes a type of computer application architecture within network computing that designates tasks between clients that instigate quests and servers that process requests. (, 2010)centralisationIn client-server networking, information are stored in a centralized server and allows ten computers or above to access t hem and helping information end-to-end the network. Centralization excessively retains the buzz offing of resources easier as all the resources are stored in a centralized server.ScalabilityScalability is also one of the important fact in client-server network. Using this architecture, the network is able to scale to a certain numbers of users and also can expand in the future if needed.SecurityThirdly, bail is no more an issue in client-server networking because only qualified user with valid login username and password can access to the system.AdvantagesDisadvantagesScalability can support upgrade. non cost effective due to the high price of server.Higher dexterity and optimization.Dependability on server. If any point of the server fails, the system will be facing failure.Centralised network, resources, users are control through the server.Need to maintain by high skill technician, hence higher tutelage fees.Flexibility, sensitive technology can be integrated into the network easily. leave alone be suffering from congestion during heavy traffic.JustificationAfter comparing both peer-to-peer networking and client-server networking, the architecture that would silk hat suits the company is client-server networking. Considering the company is pacify developing and probably having expansion of networking in the future, the number of staffs in the company in the range of 35-40 users, the scalability, flexibility, centralization and security characteristic of client-server network are the best choice.TopologyStar TopologyThe star topology is the most common network topology that most home and office are using. computing mechanism and other maneuvers in star topology are connected to the total and attached on a small device called the central hub. The central hub plays the role of a switch to control the flow from the source implement to the destination machine. The central can either be a hub, router or switch. interlace TopologyEvery computer and device in this topology will have a dedicated link to each device. They are connected using point-to-point. If a network has n device, then the network will have n (n-1)/2 link connected to each device.Bus TopologyBus topology is a network that connects all computers in a single book binding. The back jam functions as a sharing platform where all devices in the network can use the back debone to transfer data.Ring TopologyIn ring topology, computers and devices are connected with the device on the both side of it and forms a ring shape. A contract will be passed along the ring shape in only one direction from one to another till it reaches its destination. The device in the ring topology incorporates with a repeater to regenerate the signal and passed them through the network.TopologyCable MediaAdvantagesDisadvantagesStarTwisted equalvulcanized vulcanized fiber middle favorable to install because of its simplicity.Easy to install, replace or prohibit computers or other devi ces during expansionWhen one node fails, it wont dissemble the other nodes.Fully dependent on the central hub, when the hub fails the entirely network will fail.Need a lot of cabling to connect many computers.MeshTwisted PairCoaxialHas dedicated link to each computerEasy to identify the fault node.Lack of centralization.Data redundancy at each computer.BusTwisted PairCoaxial fiber OpticLess cablingLow costEasy to extendSystem will slow down during heavy network trafficIf the back bone failed, it will affect the whole systemRingTwisted PairEasy in installing or reconfiguringIf one node fails, the whole network will be affectedDifficult to add new nodes to the network.Difficulty in troubleshooting.JustificationIn this assignment, we were asked to determine a suitable topology that the ICT Resources Malaysia Public Limited Company will be need within the office. Therefore, after doing a lot of researches in network topologies, we in the long run decided to choose star bus hybrid top ology as the companys topology.Hybrid topologyHybrid topologies basically is a topology which combines two type or more than two types of basic topology and inherits their advantages and vex it more powerful and usable compare to using only one type of topology.AdvantagesDisadvantagesHybrid topology are customize designed to impact the requirement of the network.Nodes in the network can be expanded and upstage easily.Combines the simplicity and fault tolerance from bus and star topologies.Can find out the failed node when a node is not working and carried out diagnostic test without affect the other part of the network.Some unique(predicate) device in hybrid topology might not suitable to use in other network topology and they become not reusable.Transmission MediumTransmission media allows a connection between transmitter and receiver. Transmission medium are categorized into two main categories which is guide media and unguided media.Twisted touch cableTwisted pair cable is a type of wire that twists together in pairs. The reason wherefore the cable is being twisted together is to decrease the electromagnetic duty tour and noise that affect the data transmission along the cable. Twisted pair cable has two different categories, Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) and shield Twisted Pair (STP).Coaxial CableCoaxial cable is a type of cable that contains a copper conductor in the center. It also has a metal foil layer and braid which both is cover by an outer conductor. The metal foil layer helps to block deterrent that will affect the cable. The coaxial cable carries a higher frequence signal compares to twisted pair cables. Coaxial cables are categorized by the radio government rating which called the RG numbers.Fiber Optic CableFiber ocular cables have glass conductors in its center. Fiber optic cables use light to transmit data instead of using electricity signal. It uses observation to guide light travels along the channel. Fiber optic has two denota tion mode, single mode and multi-mode. Multi-mode has two forms which are step index and pass judgment index.Twisted PairCoaxialFibre OpticFrequency100Hz-5MHz100Khz-500MHzBandwidth4mbps 100mbps10Mbps- 600MbpsUp to 2GbpsAdvantagesReduce noise and cross talksCost effective readily availableFlexibleLighter burden compare to other media.Easy to installHigher bandwidthLess vulnerable to interference than twisted pairResistance to noiseLess signal attenuationHigher BandwidthDisadvantages penetrable to signal distortion.Low bandwidth.Expensive to purchaseBulky compared to twisted pair. actually expensive.Difficulty in installation or maintenanceNeed proficient technician for maintenance.Fragility- Glass fiber inside the cable are easily brokenJustificationUTP and Fibre Optic Cable are chosen for this network. The role optic cable will use as the back bone for the Ethernet and the UTP will be used as connecting the machines and devices in the network.The reason fiber optic cables are u sed as the back bone in Ethernet because it has a very high bandwidth. In bus topology, the bandwidth of the backbone will decrease during heavy traffic therefore if using fiber optic cables, the bandwidth will increase and wont decrease easily. Fiber optic cable is highly security and not affect by electromagnetic interference.For the UTP, its weight is lighter compare to STP because it doesnt have the outer shield. Secondly, it is cost effective than using coaxial cable. Besides that, UTP has high availability in the market. When the cables are broken, replacement cable can be purchased from the market easily. legions file cabinet ServerFile server is a central storage of a network. It provides access control for user to access files, folder in a kindred network. User can share files and information without physically transfer using USB drive or portable hard disk.FTP ServerFile transfer protocol server is one of the oldest of the Internet service. It provides security and transf er control in transferring files.Web ServerProvide web access and web storage to the users on the network.Application ServerApplication server acts as a middleware of the back-end application of the network and the front-end user. It allows users access the applications which stored in the database. target ServerPrint server allows users in a network to share printers. User can use any printer in the network to print files instead of connecting every computer with a printer. This will decrease the cost to buy printers.Database ServerDatabase server is a server that stores database for a company in a server. Database servers do job such as analyzing data, data storage, data manipulation and etc. electronic mail ServerEmail server responsible in receiving netmails from the network and send out the email to the receivers in another network. Email servers use SMTP (Simple Main Transfer Protocol) and POP3 (Post topographic point Protocol) when sending and receiving email.ProtocolsTher e are 5 protocols that I choose to apply in the networkHTTPHypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) is a protocol that used in accessing data in the Internet. It transfers information such as image, hypertext, audio, television system and etc. It used the service of TCP to transfer information. HTTP is used in the application layer of the OSI model.DHCPDynamic host control protocol is a protocol that will auto assigning dynamic IP address to the machines on the network. When a computer connects to the network, it will send a request to the DHCP Server and ask for IP assigning. Then the server will send an offer to the machine then the machine will accept the IP. The machine is then connected to the network.IPInternet Protocol is the most common protocol that used in the Internet. It is used in the network layer in the OSI model. Its job is to send data from one computer to another. Data are broken into packet and every packet contains a foreland and its own information.TCPTCP is a proto col that allows two hosts to make a connection and transferring data. It also guarantees the transfer of data packets and make accepted they arrived at destination in the same order like they were direct out. It is in the transport layer of the OSI model.ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a protocol that used to test the response of destination.LAN diagramWAN Diagram report PlanGround FloorThe discussion sections that find in the ground floor are the Human Resource subdivision and the Sales and Marketing Department. The human resource department has 4 workers whereas the gross sales and marketing department has 6 workers. There are two printers in this floor.First floorFirst FloorThe CEO and secretary inhabit is located at the 1st floor. The server room of the network also located at the 1st floor. There are two other departments in this floor which are Operation Department and Financial Department. Each of the departments has six workers. There are two printers in this floor.Second FloorAt the second floor, there are customer service department and IT department. Customer service department has 3 workers and IT Department has 6 workers. demarcationSecurityAlthough the network has a firewall to prevent network attack from hackers, it is still not good enough to fully blocking hackers from attacking the network. Therefore, the security of the network sPerformancePerformance of this network will be affected by the switches in the star topology. If the switches failed, the department will be affected. The performance of the network also will be affected by the backbone of the bus.Gantt chart

Friday, March 29, 2019

The Symbols In The Awakening English Literature Essay

The Symbols In The Awakening English Literature EssayIn Kate Chopins The Awakening, the underlying inwardness is imparted to the ref by dint of the work of explicit attri notwithstandingeism. The major role of the use of symbolism in the impudent is to attempt to draw a get in touch between the world that Edna knows and her several awakenings and make that link more goodish and compelling. Analyzed in this essay are three prominent symbols of evoke which are shuckss, the nautical and the tins Edna resides in. The avian all in allusions and symbols that are present throughout the level take to heart to represent the energy to fly and the freedom it enables. The references to navals and seas at heart the brisk are symbolic of freedom and empowerment as it relates to Edna. Further familys impart the reader to observe the different transformations that Edna undergoes. The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin, is filled with military personnely symbols and motifs that a llow the reader to develop a deeper understanding of its message.The counterbalance symbol to be analyzed is the recurring sign of maams present throughout the fabrication. When birds step up in the novel they serve as a consideration of Ednas self, and her thoughts. The novel opens not with a main character speaking and with parrot, on the wholeez vous-en Allez vous-en Sapristi (pp. 3). This resolution from the bird translates to Go off Go away For heavens involvement It merchant ship be inferred that these lines are representative of the thoughts that are passing through Ednas mind for much of the novel. Much handle the parrot which could speak a little Spanish, and similarly a language which nobody understood, (pp. 3) Edna is unable to glide by her true passions and her true feelings to anyone else because they could not understand. Edna wishes to abandon her role as a compliant wife, and acquiescent m other that the Creole society demands she be. Further the bird discussed higher up is caged symbolizing the entrapment of Edna by society and its expectations for females of that era. perhaps the only other character in the novel that understands Edna is Mademoiselle Reisz, who stirs Ednas soul with music, and gives advice to her. Edna informs Arobin that Mademoiselle Reisz personate her fortify around me and felt my shoulder blades, to see if my annexs were strong, she said, The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must shake strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering cover charge to earth. (pp. 103)It appears that Reisz knows in the leadhand that Edna will attempt to fly and expresses an uncertainty as to whether or not Edna is strong enough to succeed. Mademoiselle Reisz is warning Edna in this departure that her flight may ultimately end in failure but Edna does not receive this message for she is not thinking of any one(prenominal) flights. I only half c omprehend her. Reisz is attempting to help her with this flight by inferring that she is perhaps not strong enough, and may fail but it go on deaf ears as Edna does not comprehend what Reisz is trying to do. The reader encounters birds towards the conclusion of the novel during a pivotal moment in Ednas life, All along the white beach, up and down, thither was no living subject in sight. A bird with a broken wing was shell the air above, reeling, fluttering, circling disabled down, down to the water. (pp. 113) Edna observes this as she is about to walk into the ocean and go through her final awakening. This bird with a broken wing embodies Edna representing that she, much like the bird, is unable to fly away and escape from the things that hold in her. Further it also illustrates that Edna is already dead before she enters the water like the bird that is doomed to death.The second symbol to be analyzed is the frequent appearance of the ocean/sea. Of all the symbols in the novel , the ocean appears most regularly. Edna consistently connects the ocean with a certain personal free will unconstipated when she is a child, a meadow seemed as big as the oceanshe threw out her arms as if submergeming when she walked. (pp. 21) Clearly Edna feels freedom and excitement in the above passage illustrated through the reference to the wide open ocean. Further, it is in the ocean located off from the Grand Isle where we observe on of Ednas awakenings. in the lead this awakening she has already learned how to swim, and when she attempts to swim out into the ocean for the first time a certain metamorphosis occurs, A feeling of jubilation overtook herShe grew daring and reckless, overestimating her strength. She wanted to swim far out, where no woman has swum before. (pp. 37) This eyeshot is critically heavy in the progression of the novel because with her discovery of her ability to swim she also realizes that her life is an empty shell. Perhaps this realization serve s to answer her in the changes that she will encounter later in the novel. But there is an aspect of foreshadowment in the line she grew daring and reckless, overestimating her strength. Though swimming in the ocean gives her many positive feelings of freedom she has not the strength to swim for longer periods of time and as a result will drown. Her desire to swim far out, where no woman has swum before is a distinguished desire to escape from her entrapment due to Creole society, and she somewhat accomplishes this wish but ultimately fails with her demise. The ocean in the novel allows Edna some of the feelings of freedom, but it also serves as an instrument of her demise Exhaustion was pressing upon and over possessing her. Good-bye, because I love you He did not know he did not understand. He would never understand it was too late the shore was far hobo her, and her strength was gone. (pp. 116) Edna believes that the ocean allows her to express herself and escape from the po wer that is exenterated over her by society. But she realizes that no matter what she attempts to do she will always be trapped by society, for she lacks the ability to change the way her life is. aft(prenominal) coming to this realization she decides that she will retire where she feels the most free and away from being influenced into the ocean.The third and final symbol to be analyzed in this paper is the dynamic symbolism of the houses that Edna resides in. These houses are a direct reflection of the numerous mental and emotional states that Edna experiences throughout her journey. The cottages that are located on the Grand Isle suck up several symbolic meanings. They serve as separate cages for Edna and also are a reflection of the families that reside within them. Further, all of the cottages at places like this are nearly identical suggesting that all families that dwell in them are identical according to the traditions of the Creole society. Perhaps the most iconic and imp ortant house that is encountered during the novel is Ednas pigeon-house. The imagery relating to this house instantly gives the reader insight into why this house is so important to Edna, In a little four-room house around the corner. It looks so cozy, so inviting and restful. (pp. 79) This pigeon house serves to provide Edna with the comfort and independence that her old house with her husband never provided. Her freedom she experiences allows her to realize how much control she can have over her life, she had resolved never again to belong to another than herself. (pp. 80) This can be considered one of her many awakenings for she realizes that she does not need a man in order to fulfill and complete her life. It is also important to bankers bill the contrast from her previous feelings to the new feelings and abilities that arise after Edna moves into the pigeon house before when she kisses Arobin in the house of her husband she has feelings of reproach looking at her from the o utside(a) things around her which he had provided for her external existence. (pp. 84) Yet when she engages with Arobin at her new pigeon-house she experiences no feelings of reproach or regret. This illustrates how she is now more free in this house than she has been in any other setting.There are many symbols in the novel The Awakening, and in this essay three of the most prominent have been examined leading us to a huge conclusion. Clearly it is necessary in this novel, and most others to analyze and apply the occurrences and meanings behind symbols scattered throughout the work. Birds serve as an allusion to Edna herself and as an instrument of foreshadowment in regards to her own demise. The ocean is use numerous times throughout the novel as a starting time of freedom and self expression that allow Edna a release from everything departure on in her life. The last symbol was the many houses that Edna was in during the novel that were representative of her current feelings and were a reflection of her. Without the analysis and acknowledgment of these symbols the baloney becomes just a simple piece of writing and lacks significant deeper meanings.

Dna Extraction From A Kiwi Experiment Biology Essay

Dna Extraction From A Kiwi Experiment Biology EssayLabel all samples before putting them into surfaces. Fill a micropipet with sample A (it must be filled from destination to end). Insert a micropipette into the glass holder. Immerse the end of pipette below the surface of the TBE and gently dispense its piths into the well (first well from the left).Cell TransformationCell shift is the transmittable remnant of a cubicle ca engrossd from the uptake of desoxyribonucleic acid. It is most common in bacteria (bacterial transformation) and occurs naturally in some species. It brush a gradient also be alter by artificial means (for example different temperature, different chemicals much(prenominal)(prenominal) as CaCl2 i.e. Calcium chloride transformation). Cell transformation is also employ to shut in a new comp onenttic material into non-bacterial cells including animal and plant cells.transmitter is a deoxyribonucleic acid molecule which is utilize as a fomite to transf er foreign genetic material into another cell. There atomic number 18 various types of vectors such as plasmid deoxyribonucleic acids, bacteriophages, cosmids ( gather in large amount to store deoxyribonucleic acid as compargon to plasmids) and artificial chromosomes.The choice of vector is important because it affects so many of the processes such as cloning which includes expression, protein processing. Types of vectors and how they work varies. For example, plasmid vectors atomic number 18 used to mul be givenly or express particular genes. They act as a vehicle to transfer genetic material into host cells. viral vectors be designed for permanent incorporation of the inserting material into the human genome. These vectors intrust genetic markers in the hose genome after incorporating the gene. Comparing viral and plasmid vectors, viral vectors good dealnot be used to multiply genes. That is because host in a plasmid vector is immuned to have a reaction to virus.Viral vect ors can be used for gene therapy providing a way to cure genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis. Because these diseases result from mutations in the DNA time for specific genes, gene therapy trials have used viruses to deliver unmutated copies of these genes to the cells of the patients body this has been very successful. However, several problems of viral gene therapy must be overcome before it gains widespread use. Immune response to viruses not single inhibits the delivery of genes to conduct cells but can cause health dangers for the patient. plasmid vectors can also be used for gene therapy because some methods of gene therapy depends on the efficient insertion of genes at the appropriate chromosomal target sites within the human genome, without causing cell injury or mutations (cancer).bacterial cell transformation is a process by which the genetic content of bacterial cell is changed. In this process, DNA is introduced into bacterial cells. Bacteria which have ability to take up foreign DNA are know as competent cells and they are made competent through use of calcium chloride. That is because the membrane of bacterial cell is permeable to chloride ions. When chloride ions enter the bacterial cell, water molecules get attached with charged particles. This causes the cells to swell. The CaCl2 treatment (to make cells competent) is followed by heat or heat shock (at 42oC) a new grade of genes (also known as heat shock genes) is expressed. This set of genes help the bacteria in surviving at such or low temperatures. conflagrate shock is necessary for the uptake of DNA because at temperatures above 42oC, bacteria start to lose ability to uptake DNA.Bacteria cell transformationHow is the recombinant plasmid created? And how was it put into the bacteria?Explain the diagram you include (Remember How + wherefore (for M2)Polymerase Chain ReactionIntroductionPCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is a technique used for the amplification of a small quantity o f DNA over one million fold. This technique was first used to diagnose sickle cell anaemia and is now used for cloning and paternity testing. To perform DNA amplification, PCR machines are used. PCR machine helps to prepare DNA and in a succinct time, it increases the amount of DNA to billions.ExperimentPCR reaction has been done using a thermal cycler (the vast majority of PCR methods use cycling). PCR reaction involves different stages such as control reaction (initial stage), cycling and so on.Apparatus3 Tubes (0.5 ml)Tube (for PCR reaction)IceDNA template for amplification solid ground combine10x gel loading solutionEnzyme grade ultrapure waterAgarose gelInstStain methylene group BlueDistilled/Deionized water (optional)Buffer (optional)Electrode terminalsContentReason of UsagePrimer MixPrimers are (short strands of mRNA restrained by complementary base pairs) are sequestered to each DNA strand. Primer mix is a powerful legal document which helps to copy every DNA sequences . It contains primers which decrease the chances to target the wrong sites on DNA. They are required to start the process of making DNA.DNA templateDNA template means pattern of DNA (to be amplified). When DNA is taken apart between the nitrogen bases, then each side acts as a pattern for the parts (such as complementary strands) that are missing. DNA template is used for amplification of DNA.NucleotidesThese are the genetic edifice blocks which make DNA molecules. These are used to create billion copies of DNA. methodReasonInitialising DNA sample is heated at 940C -960C for 1-9 minutes.To break the henry bonds in the couple-stranded DNA, creating single-stranded molecules that are susceptible to copying. This is called denaturing. The longer the strand to be copied, the longer the denaturing process lasts.AnnealingAt this stage, the temperature is lowered to40oC-65oC for about 20-45 seconds. This allows harden of the primers to the single-stranded DNA template. The primers are s hort DNA strands, designed to bond to sites at the beginning and end of the segment to be copied. If the primers are incorrectly designed or the temperature at this stage is wrong, the primer will bind randomly to the DNA, resulting in the wrong segment copy.ElongationAt this stage, 72oC-80oC temperature (optimum temperature) is used because of DNA polymerase i.e. Taq Polymerase (it is an enzyme which is used to make a new copy of DNA). This activates DNA polymerase. When DNA polymerase finds a primer (attached to a single DNA strand), it adds nucleotides on to the strand. It continues to do this until it reaches to the end of the strand and falls off.There is a orifice of DNA contamination in preparing a PCR sample. For example, using a like pipette to add different components or using the same tip for different components. But precautions can be taken to reduce the risk of DNA contamination such as using new pipette and tip for each different component. Wearing gloves and safet y goggles can help prevent DNA contamination. Washing used equipment or discarding equipment such as used tips.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

An Analysis of Up in Michigan Essay -- Up in Michigan Essays

An Analysis of Up in Michigan                  My choosing this theme for an analysis is base on what I think is the very American feeling there is to this short story. The title alone has this American closed chain to it Up in Michigan. From the start settling the story deep into the footing of the country. The title seems resembling the beginning of an old tale, once upon a cartridge clip up in Michiganit ends there and propels the unfinished, never settled focussing of the story along. And at the same time it signifies that this is just an new(prenominal)(prenominal) story, told a hundred times before. The story is set in a very small town, which plays a great role in the way the char doers interact with one another. The two main characters of the story get presented distributively in their little paragraph in the beginning of the story. Their way of collision each(prenominal) other is, one gets the feeli ng, not by chance, but quite a because the town is so small that they could never avoid meeting each other. A phrase like One day she found that she like it he way the hair was black (p.59) indicates that the girl Liz falling in get by with Jim the blacksmith is not the falling in love of a metropolitan person who is marked by the many choices of a bigger environment. Lizs love or interest in Jim comes from there being no other it seems and so with time she has developed an interest in him that is totally based on a picture she makes of him in her mind. What is significant here is the clear difference in the way the two characters are described by Hemingway. Liz likes Jim very much Jim just likes her face. She thinks about him all the time he never thinks of her. There is a basic unbalan... ... the death of a unripened girls dreams, it is at the same time the initiation of a life. It is the simple act of growing up, moving into another world, where nothing is as you dream it a llow be. Where bitterness is an unescapeable part of your life. Where your hair can not always be neat and your clothes capability get dirty sometimes. The fact that Jim lies unconscious(p) on the dock  as if he now has the role of the late(prenominal) buck, just emphasizes Liz coming to consciousness about her own life. She rises from the battlefield like a heroine, at first she shakes Jim in the fainting hope that there might be a way to get back. (shook him once more just to make sure), but then realizing her fate she stoically takes of her coat and as an imitation of the Pieta-figure puts her coat over her past life, that in the figure of  the drunken Jim, has passed away.  

William Shakespeare :: Essays Papers

William ShakespeareShakespeare was innate(p) in a small English town called Stratford, Avon in 1564. During his lifetime, he composed 37 plays, which are s cashbox being performed all more or less the world. At the age of 18, he married 26-year-old Anne Hathaway. Anne delivered their first child, Susanna, a some short months ulterior. In early 1585, Anne gave birth to twins, a girl Judith and a boy Hamnet. Tragically, Hamnet died at the age of 11 in 1596. Little is know about Shakespeares life in the late 1580s. In the 1590s, he had began piece of music plays. Shakespeare became a member of a theater groupe called Lord Chamberlains Men, and they performed together in front of nobles anand royalty. His early plays include Henry VI, Richard III, The Comedy of Errors, Titus Andronicus, The Taming of the Shrew, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Loves Labors Lost, and Romeo and Juliet. His later plays include Richard II, A MidsummerNights Dream, King John, The Merchant of Venice, Henry IV , Much ado About Nothing, Henry V, Julius Caesar, As YouLike It, and Twelfth Night, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, and Antony and Cleopatra. During the 1590s, Shakespeare became famous and gained a great deal of wealth. He bought two very expensive houses in Stratford. From 1592 to 1594, Shakespeare wrote many poems, as the theaters were shut down to stop the spread of the annoyance that killed thousands of people at the time. In 1599 The reality theater was built. One half(a) of the interest in this famous public playhouse went to the theater assistant family, the Burbages. But the other half was divided among five actor-sharers, and Shakespeare was one of them. The lump was rebuilt in 1614 after a fire and the theater was used till 1644. Historians have gathered enough evidence for an authentic re-creation of Shakespeares theatre. The new, rebuilt, Globe Theater of the 1990s is only yards away from where the original Globe stood. In 1603, King James VI came to Englands throne. He loved the theater and issued a license to the Chamberlains Men, giving them the title The Kings Men.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Creationism - The Theory of Evolution is not Logical Essay -- Biblical

Creationism - The Theory of Evolution is not LogicalGenesis 11In the beginning divinity created the heavens and the earth. This quote, taken from the Hebrew countersign describes the belief that religious Jews and Christians follow. These two religions think that man, the earth, and the rest of the universe were sooner created instead of the theory of evolution. This view on the origin of the earth is unique, because it was the commencement ceremony religion to practice monotheism (belief in one God), and that God alone created the universe. inverse to African and Hindu theories, Jews and Christians believe that the world was created by one higher(prenominal) power. As explained in the Bible, God worked for six days. During these six days God created the entire universe. On day one, the planet Earth was formed ...

The Benefits Of Study Hall Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Education

The Benefits Of lease mansion house marking, you wont wreak anywhere without studying, His mother procedure to tell him when he use to waist all his clipping playing rather that studying. Mark wasnt such a good student because he wouldnt conk any date studying, until one day his parents decided to send him to Cushing Academy, a boarding school in the USA, which they knew it was qualifying to improve his study habits and help him being more responsible. But what really amazed his parents was this period of time used to study called Study Hall. Because of its amazing results, preparation for college, and providing responsibility, Study Hall remains as one of the vital qualities Cushing Academy give birth and give students an opportunity to lead in higher education.Study Hall was Marks first negative impression of Cushing Academy. He cerebration this was done in order to keep the students in silence and retain them from having freedom. After he experienced Study Hall at Cus hing for everywhere two months, he could really see the changes and results it produced on him. He cognise that he didnt have to worry about having enough time for his studies. Also, he could see his grades improve every week. One day Mark received a phone call from his mother. Before picking up the phone, the only thought he had in his mind was that he was going to get grounded for his grades or performance at school. He answered the phone and there was his proud mother congratulating him for his wonderful grades he ...

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Easter Uprising of 1916 Essay -- Essays Papers

The east wind Uprising of 1916The east wind Uprising of 1916 was an event that happened at the tail end of a long list of events that would forever neuter Ireland. The Uprising or ascent, as some call it, took place in general in Dublin but was felt through extinct Ireland. The point was to get ahead independence from Great Britain who had ruled Ireland for the past couple hundred years. At the turn of the 19th century England believed that Ireland had too much independence and make the Act of Union. The result was the Act of Union of 1801 the Irish parliament voted itself out of existence and England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales were formally politically unified for the first time (Hegarty 2). round the time of the First World struggle, Ireland began the fight for the Home control to be enacted. But this kind of rule was quickly overturned with the start of the Easter Rising in 1916 two years after World War I broke out in Europe. The pull of the Home Rule Act led to th e formation of the Citizen Army which was a major convey of the Easter Rising. James Connolly used the Citizen Army to protect his newspaper The Workers commonwealth to call for an armed revolt (Green 5). The Easter Uprising left 440 British and 75 Irish troops dead in the end. To shows the disapproval of the Rising Britain publicly executed fifteen leaders of the Uprising and 60 others via ignition system squad. Many more other were sentenced to long prison terms.Of all of the things that could arrive happened in Ireland, the Easter Uprising was by far the most less-traveled thing to do in the eye of the Dublin public. The majority of battalion in Dublin at the beginning of the 20th century did not want the Uprising to happen, because it would postp genius the ability to gain their independ... continues to be one of the quickest growing countries in modern day Europe notwithstanding all of the problems it had to put up with to get there.SourcesBBC, The. The Ex ecutions. 8, February 2004 BBC 1 The Blacks and Tans.8, February 2004Easter Uprising, The The Easter Uprising of 1916. 8 February 2004 http//, Michael. The Easter Rising in Ireland, 1916. 30 January 2004Hegarty, N and Harvey-Craig, A. History of Dublin. 25 January 2004 Luby, Damian. Irish Liberation. 25 January 2004

Eve’s Apology Essay -- Literary Analysis, Aemilia Lanyer

Is this an apology or blame? In the beginning, God tells go non to eat the forbidden increase. whirl disobeys God by doing so, entirely most people put the blame on eve. In the verse form, Eves Apology, Eve expresses her feelings toward the entire situation and shows how she is not to blame. She blames Adam for the annoyance we yield today. Eve eats from the forbidden tree out of curiosity. She wants to fate it with Adam, so he can feel like she feels. Eve gives the take to Adam out of love, but she does not force him to eat it. Adam has control of his mind, so he disobeys God on his own. Do not the thing that goes against thy heart (Lanyer 424). Aemilia Lanyer, the author of the poem, Eves Apology, lived in the middle 1500s and 1600s. Living in this time period, had much influence on her writing. She published her landmark book, Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum, the same year that the King throng Bible and three of Shakespeares plays were published (Wilhelm 424). Lanyer brings o ut the life of this poem with the poetic devices, irony, and unusual language.To begin, the poem, Eves Apology, uses many different poetic devices such as alliteration, assonance, rhyme scheme, and simile. The author uses a great egress of alliteration, which is the repetition of constant sounds generally at the beginnings of words. Alliteration can be seen in the words what and weakness in line 3. Some to a greater extent examples of alliteration throughout the poem are subtle serpents (23), he had him (24), and with words which (30). Assonance, the repetition of the same or similar vowel sound sounds in stressed syllables that end with different consonant sounds, is another poetic device that the author uses greatly. Some examples of assonance are found in lines 10 The p... ...g this poem, the author reveals older examples of words and phrases that we do not drive in or use today.Throughout Eves Apology, Layner confidently makes her point of female disparity and female injust ice by using poetic devices, while inveterate to keep an ironic tone and bring out unusual language. She is understandably trying to prove that woman and hands are equal. She suggests that because Adam is a man, thus stronger than Eve, he should be held responsible for eating the forbidden fruit rather than the weaker Eve. Layner believes that men should not look down upon women as lesser and weaker than themselves she successfully proves that women deserve an equal status with men. Throughout the poem, Layner makes the point that the curtilage men have always been condescending to woman is dishonest because men are actually more at fault for the pain we endure today.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Analysis of The Lost World by Michael Crichton Essay -- The Lost World

Analysis of The Lost World by Michael CrichtonMichael Crichtons novel, The Lost World began with the comment of a character who is infamous to Crichtons work, Ian Malcom. The entire introduction and prologue is about Malcom and his scientific views and theories. In a section of the handwriting called Hypothesis, Malcom contendes a theory of lost worlds - aras in which extinct beings may live, with Richard Levine, a man whos ideas were totally different from Malcoms. Levine and Malcom discuss a possible journey to an island that is suspected to be one of the alleged(prenominal) lost worlds. At first, Malcom is reluctant and thinks that the idea is stupid. aft(prenominal) much coaxing, Malcom agrees to go. Levine arrives on the island first, aft(prenominal) a lot of useless chatter and talk and the introduction of cardinal young characters, Arby and Kelley, who are students of Levines and sometimes run errands for him. Almost immediately afterwards they arrive, Levine and his assistant, Diego, begin to search for clues to what the science community calls aberrant forms, which many people throw off spotted but have been unable to identify. They come to a float bed, where they are attacked by a group of unidentifiable animals. They capture and wipe out Diego, and Levine is nearly killed. Malcom and his team of field researchers finally make it to the island - and Arby and Kelley stow away(predicate) in one of the many high-tech dawdlers that they had taken on their expedition. After the first day or so goes smoothly, chaos breaks out. When three men, Dodgson, King, and Basselton root to go to the island, thinking that no one has been there. They plan on stealth the dinosaur eggs and breeding them. In doing so, they cause a ruckus on the island, and the dinosaurs begin to lose their patience. They go on a kill spree, which is diagrammatically described by Critchton as well as nearly killing Arby. The climax of the story comes when Malco m and Sarah Harding (one of his associates) get trapped in a trailer that is about to tumble off the ledge of a cliff. Luckily for them, they are saved by a nonher of their colleagues, named Richard Thorn, saves them by using Dodgsons jeep (which they had thinking was broken down, AND after they thought all three of the egg thieves were dead) and ties a rope to the trailer and miraculously saves them. The story isnt over yet, though. The group mi... ... position together trailers for their expedition and they tell the boss that they are too loose and something could happen, but the boss ignores thim. Its so obvious, but it is foreshadowing. Also, another classic pattern of foreshadowing from the Jurassic Park series is the shaking and rumbling of the maroon then a calm for a second or two before the t-rex attacks. Once again, obvious, but its still an example of foreshadowing. All in all, this book was good even though I do not enjoy reading. Despite many things that I thought could have been small and in a lot of instances, were so dumb that they insulted me, I was amused by the book. It had a little bit of everythingMind games, action, gore and death, and what I thought was the best part of the entire bookGreat characters. amongst the most important characters, such as Malcom, to the lower-status ones such as Sarah Harding, or even Kelley and Arbys parents, who never actually appearAll of them were greatly repose together. I might not be able to recommend this book to you if you are reading for pleasure, but if there was one book that you dead had to read, Michael Crichtons The Lost World has to be it.