Monday, September 9, 2019

Splice (2009 Movie) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Splice (2009 Movie) - Essay Example The horror does not necessarily lie in the fact that Dren is a terrifying monster, but that the human scientists continue to push boundaries in every sense of the word. As an audience member, I could hardly withstand the moment that Elsa and Clive decide to ignore the funding corporation’s rules and splicing human DNA with animal DNA due to the fact that the action created a red flag. It is not a secret that the controversial discussion about scientists and their work in respect to moral issues has been brought up. In this case, the decision of the scientists to disobey the law and morality for personal gain (becoming the first scientists to leap ahead in DNA discovery) is predictably going to go wrong. Why? There is a lesson to be learned when humans mess with nature: nature messes back. The act of playing God always ends badly in the fictional world. Not only was the fact that their experiment got out of control predictable, the initial bonding between Clive and Elsa to Dren was as well. At first it was somewhat easy to relate to Elsa and Clive’s relationship with Dren. The beginning stages show Dren as a peaceful, delicate creature that is entirely innocent in nature. Who wants to destroy that? Even despite the scientists’ inability to think beyond their impulse of creating Dren. The frustrating notion stems from Elsa and Clive’s lack of responsibility from the very get-go.

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